
Introducing: Ann Collier

I have worked at Northern Arizona University since 2012:  seven years as a tenured faculty member in the Department of Psychological Sciences and now as a clinical psychologist at the Employee Assistance and Wellness program at NAU.  Prior to working at NAU, I worked in the areas of wellness, health psychology and grief, specializing in building programs for refugees and indigenous people in Northern Arizona, Alaska, New Zealand, and throughout the Pacific Rim.  I am deeply passionate about finding ways to offer wellness programs so that healthy lifestyle interventions (including mental health) can be accessed and used in places where resources are limited. I see myself as someone who is good at listening to community needs and then together with community partners, figuring out how to develop psychological interventions that interweave with traditional cultural practices. I have offered several workshops on stress reduction, mindfulness, and body image for the Be Hopi Be Healthy camp in the past and I have really enjoyed working with the youth and staff at the Hopi Wellness Center.   I am excited to be the psychologist on this new team as we support resilience with technology in the Hopi community.

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