Darold H. Joseph, Ph.D., is Iswunga (Coyote Clan) from the Hopi Village of Lower Moenkopi. His father and kyaas (aunties) are Nuvawungwa (Snow Clan) from Shungopavi village. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Specialties and Teaching and Learning in the College of Education at Northern Arizona University. His research is informed from his experience serving as an educator in Special Education and is focused on the intersection of disability with sociocultural differences that inform educational inequities for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth. His work aims to advance opportunities for individuals with disabilities to persist in education, health and wellness, and cultural well-being through the lens of resilience. In addition to serving as an educator in special education, he has experience with facilitating collaborative partnerships with tribal community organizations nationally, including American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services programs focused on workforce development for tribal community members with disabilities.